Baby Daddy Lifetime Movie Baby Daddy Lifetime Movies

I have been terrible about posting on the blog but I did move beyond the country so have to find a new place and then find jobs and and then a dog and other things and it'southward taken a backseat unfortunately.  I found myself in Florida earlier this week and of form Double Daddy comes on tv when I'chiliad totally not prepared with a computer or photographic camera simply I watched it and enjoyed it anyway.  At present I'thou going to try and call up what happened in it for your enjoyment.  I'm taking photos from the internet so the quality/size will exist all over the identify.


The motion-picture show opens with teenaged boys at some stupid high school party and one guy says to his friend that his girlfriend doesn't get back into town for like 3 more than weeks and that'due south a long time to go without any action.  Furthering the myth that tv lies to the states with- on Friends when Ross might literally die considering he hasn't washed it for Iii WHOLE MONTHS etc… high school boys throughout history have managed to go eighteen years and then I think three weeks isn't a huge deal, at-home down idiots.


double daddy

Cue Heather.  She's new and from the wrong side of the tracks and she tin can't wait to get this dude some more drinks and then blindside him in his dad's car.  He seems against it but then he gets super wasted and looks similar he'southward nearly to pass out when she takes a selfie with him pre-sex in his dad's Mercedes.  Um, no one focuses on how rapey this is.  He literally doesn't remember information technology happening afterwards and has no idea nearly the photo being taken.  That is beyond incorrect and illegal merely since he'southward a male child apparently he must have been into it so that'due south that.  Oof.

We meet Heather at home googling the car they had sexual activity in and it'due south for sale for 99k on some website and she'due south all "I picked a skilful i this fourth dimension!"  So there yous go, Heather is looking for a rich guy to knock her up.  How does she know that banging a boozer teen'due south flaccid weiner one time will do the play a joke on?  No idea!  Just of course information technology does because this is a Lifetime Movie.

Now Connor (rich kid) is at school with his girlfriend Amanda beingness all smoochy at her locker- did she get back into boondocks subsequently months and not see him until school started?

This SAME day she tells her friend that she's late.  So she either has been pregnant for 2+ months (since before she left for summer) or for like one 24-hour interval if she saw him yesterday.  Either way, it doesn't make any sense at all.

Meanwhile, bad daughter Heather posts a sexy selfie biting the pregnancy test and purring to her social media so she'due south not shy at all (and not worried almost putting something she peed on into her rima oris).  The news travels around school like wild fire.

She's super poor, her dad sucks and they live in a dilapidated shack but she has a super nice phone and tons of make up.  She doesn't have to work though then I don't know how that kind of poverty works.  Also her mom abased the family like iv years agone and she hasn't heard from her since.  Of course instead of getting a job or trying to get into college, a much ameliorate plan is to go meaning with a rich kid's kid.  So crafty!

She updates her social media with the drunk selfie with Connor saying what a great dad he'll exist.  Amanda's friend gently tells her to look at the post.  Amanda is crushed, of class, and so she dumps Connor and doesn't tell him about the infant she'due south maybe having.  He'southward just sort of hang dog, standing effectually, looking confused through most of these scenes.

At present sweetness Amanda finds out for certain that she'southward meaning and her parents call her out on it. They're a trivial chip freaked out simply then her mom is all "I had to make a decision merely like this when I was 19 and then I get it" and her dad agrees even though she is 17 and not done with high schoolhouse etc… So they tell her they'll help her with the infant and they need to talk to Connor's parents.  She doesn't tell them about Connor'due south bullshit or that he doesn't know she's pregnant or that they take broken up but they leave for his firm.

Oh, at some signal her sis was crying about how she notwithstanding tin can't get pregnant so that will come up up over again.

Amanda texts Connor that she's significant and he gets it literally as her family unit arrives at their house.  His parents are furious and too the bomb is dropped that he got some other girl pregnant and she's poor and needs tons of assistance.  His parents flip their shit.

In that location are So MANY scenes in this movie of both girls existence all "I am doing what's best for my baby" and and then maxim something like "but I tin't afford food or dress and I don't have insurance" or "just with no father and now I can't get to higher."  How would any of this exist best for the babe?  It'south Baffling!  I was yelling at the tv so much.  Only Connor'southward parents briefly mention abortion and Amanda is SCANDALIZED because that would not exist what's all-time for her baby, you guys.  Whatever.  Abort them all.  You lot guys are in high schoolhouse.  And I say that every bit a person who had a teenaged mom.

The only person who tells Amanda this is crazy is her sister who is as well pissed that she can't get pregnant and her 17 sister is having this accident baby while in high school.

So now Connor'due south parents know they will be supporting Heather/that babe and that Amanda is having one.  Something happens and Heather has to go to the hospital and Connor goes to make sure she's okay and his mom goes as well.


His mom lets Heather know that she's onto her game and that she wants a paternity test.  Heather now is mock SCANDALIZED despite the fact that we run into that she has a boyfriend named Trent who is awful and when he comes to encounter her gives off incredibly strong rapey vibes simply finds out she is with someone else and leaves instead of throwing her around more than.  Heather is all "Connor knows me, he knows I've only been with him" and like Connor doesn't even know her concluding name soooooooo.


At school Heather is all "I need more stuff for our baby" loudly to Connor in front of Amanda and Amanda tells her off and Heather is all "nosotros're having a infant together and he loves me (hahaha)" and Amanda drops the "I'm also meaning" flop and now the school must exist really buzzing but Heather is so mad that her crazy eyes grow twice in size and she starts pushing her and a teacher breaks it up once Amanda knocks Heather down and she holds her stomach dramatically.


Amanda has an ultrasound and her mom lets Connor come along because her mom knows Connor wants her back and is all flash wink, I'll assistance you.  Her parents are the coolest parents in any Lifetime Movie ever.  They smile and flirt over her ultrasound and that's also weird for two high schoolers with their mom only here we are.

At some point Amanda starts googling this Heather girl since no one really knows anything about her.  She finds her old school and the concluding guy she did this to- Dylan.  It turned out she was not pregnant that fourth dimension and but hustled some money out of him before getting caught.  Then she changed schools.  Amanda calls her out on it at schoolhouse and no ane seems to intendance, including Connor.  It seems like pertinent info simply they all sweep it under the rug.

I don't remember exactly but he gets her back and they're a couple once more.  No 1 always brings upward when she got pregnant or if she'south 3 months meaning or 3 days pregnant so it'southward a mystery for the ages.  Heather hates that they're back together in case that's not super obvious.

Heather texts Connor like 50 times an hour and he hates it and information technology's coming betwixt him and Amanda.  Don't you hate information technology when you're trying to flirt with your teenaged girlfriend but the other girl you knocked up won't get out you alone?  THE WORST!

One day she is texting him over and over and then takes some pill because he won't call her back and apparently it's something you shouldn't take when pregnant and so she texts him that.  He runs to her place to check on her and is HORRIFIED but her living atmospheric condition.  He asks where the baby volition exist and she says in her room and excitedly shows him… and dirty corner full of laundry on a broken floor adjacent to an old mattress.  He's less than thrilled and freaks out and tells him mom.  Besides, her dad shows up and is all "are you responsible for her status?" and Connor says he thinks so and the dad is all "sorry kid."  While at that place Heather texts Amanda every bit if she's Connor saying he'll be staying over this night.

The fashion a totally balanced pregnant teenager eats an apple tree:dd_3.jpg

His mom comes up with a plan to pay off this girl and her dad and gets a lawyer to write upwards the papers saying they are off the hook for this baby if they take the bank check.  The check is for $100,000!  Her dad takes one look at that check and sees $$$ in his optics, signs any and then promptly skips town.  I assume that means he tin can't keep the bank check since he didn't follow the rules laid out?  Relish skipping town with that canceled check, deadbeat.

Heather gets home and everything is gone and fifty-fifty this shitty firm is worse than before and she can't really live at that place.  She goes to Connor's and tells his mom that she needs to stay there and somehow that is happening.  Connor and Amanda come into the firm holding hands and giggling when they meet her and she says she lives there now. Amanda runs out of the business firm and tells him this changes everything.  He acts like this is all so not a large deal- similar he tin just take two babies and juggle them with homeroom.  Information technology's bizarre.

Heather loves selfies so she immediately takes selfies with Connor'south sleeping trunk at present that they're roomies.

Her ex boyfriend Trent shows upwards threatening to tell everyone she has done this before (which Amanda already did and no i cared so I don't go why this would be a large deal).  Why Amanda or Connor didn't tell Connor's parents I'll never sympathise.  For some reason Heather goes ape this fourth dimension and simply kills him like it's nix.


Goodbye Trent.

She puts his body (beingness significant gives y'all super man strength) into Connor's dad'due south fancy sex car and takes it… somewhere?  She simply has keys to their cars?

Amanda and Connor go to a birthing class like they're an former couple and they flirt and make out a petty.  No affair how cute they endeavor to make these ii I will not believe that beingness parents is the best thing for them right now.  Prissy try, movie!


While she'south out Heather sees Connor and Amanda in a machine existence all couple-y and but rages and rages lone.


Amanda tells Connor that mayhap they should requite their babe to her sis and then she and her husband could raise information technology while they'd however get to see information technology.  Information technology'due south the near logical thing said in this moving-picture show so far and probably will exist forever and ever.  Connor says that if that's what she wants so he's on board.  They are a very even keeled teenaged couple.

Amanda gets out of the auto to walk into her house and Heather speeds by in the Mercedes and tries to run her over.  No 1 recognizes this as Connor'southward dad's motorcar?  This happening is never brought upwards.

Then Heather gets back to Connor'south house and his mom is annoyed with her for some reason and Heather throws a plate at her face up and tells her she hates her.  This won't become you more than money out of Connor'due south mom!  This will most probable get you arrested instead.  Connor comes habitation and his mom says that Heather assaulted him so he kicks her out.  Where does she get?  I don't know but probably dorsum to the house that was accounted unlivable before?

They go on a school field trip to some nature preserve or something woodsy.  Amanda has to pee, and there is a practiced "ahhh, pregnancy" nod between her and the teacher that is off putting.  She is told to stay on the trail back to the main building but this girl is not outdoorsy and she doesn't seem to know what a trail is so she's immediately lost.  Don't worry, Heather finds her.


This is the scene the commercials played up!  They fight in the wood (Heather has a pocketknife past the way, the pocketknife she eats apples with) and Heather gets knocked down a hill and is all "I'm going into labor! Yous HAVE TO HELP ME!" as Amanda is walking away.


I disagree, I would non assist her and I would charge with the whole trying to stab me to expiry thing.  Motion on, Amanda.

Amanda helps her and she has her stupid baby and it'south a male child.  Like right at that place in the forest she pushes once and Amanda delivers the baby.  I'chiliad not joking, that happened.

Then, weeks later on, Amanda has her infant and the families are all there and it'south a girl and there are photos and it'southward and then loving, so dissimilar from Heather who had hers in the wood after she tried to murder someone.


Her sister at present says the stupidest thing- that this infant is clearly theirs and she tin't take it.  They tin make it work because they're in dearest.  Nope, no, no.

So they were basically the aforementioned amount of pregnant?  Ugh, no ane involved with this picture show knows how pregnancy works.  She was one 24-hour interval pregnant when she establish out!  That's not a thing.  The lack of umbilical string, mess, pushing implies no one knew about nativity either.  Sigh.

Connor's parents bring in the boy and they take a big family unit portrait.  Heather is not there though because she's been arrested for murder (FINALLY).  So these two 17 year olds are now raising ii kids and everyone thinks it's a skilful thing considering they love each other.

At the jail her lawyer is talking to her about how she's going to do a lot of time and she asks him for some water when she sees his smart telephone.  He leaves the prison cell and she takes some sexy prison house selfies and posts them online and sends them saying she'll be out shortly #kisssyface.


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